RARA Liquidity Mining

Teja charan
Jul 16, 2021

Recently RARA NFT has Achieved new milestone in Liquidity Mining TVL which exceeded $3.4 million in 14 hours.


Join now:

Step 1: Prepare $RARA, $BNB or $VIDYX token

Step 2: Add liquidity to the V2 pool on https://exchange.rara.farm

Step 3: Stake the LP token on http://rara.farm

Step 4: Wait for $RARA token mined


RARA will unfold a new NFT era by its unique value creation and discovery system

🔥Mystery Box


🔥DAO Governance

Learn more about RARA

Gitbook: https://doc.rara.farm

Official website: www.rara.farm

Twitter: https://twitter.com/RARA_NFT

Community: t.me/RARA_Global

